FACS Analyzer

The Neurotechnology Studio has acquired a BD Biosciences FACSymphony analyzer, which is housed within the ARCND flow cytometry core, and is available to all members of the BWH neuroscience research community.  The FACSympony is the most powerful analytical FACS instrument on the market with 5 lasers, capable of sorting up to 29 fluorochromes.  The instrument is also equipped with a high-throughput system for running samples in 96-well plates.  A custom range of labeled antibodies is currently under development.


Location:   Hale Building for Transformative Medicine, 60 Fenwood Road, Room 9014


For more information contact Rajesh Krishnan, Flow Cytometry Core Manager rkkrishnan@bwh.harvard.edu

Last Updated on January 10, 2023 by PIN Admin